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Tips for Driving Around Semi-Trucks in Texas

driving around trucks safety scaled

No matter how safely you drive, you can’t control others on the road. However, you can still protect yourself in many different ways. This is especially true when it comes driving around big rigs on the road.

These large commercial vehicles often weigh up to 80,000 pounds or more. They can carry hazardous and deadly chemicals or gas. They can also have tons of heavy equipment strapped and tied down – often by just a single person who may be working late with little sleep. Although many truck drivers are safe and law-abiding, many others break the rules every day. When they do, it often leads to tragic injuries for innocent motorists who share the road.

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries from one of these major truck accidents, call a Texas truck accident attorney today. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some quick tips for how you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe while driving around big trucks on the road:

  1. Keep Your Distance From The Rear Of A Semi Truck.
    Truck drivers cannot see the first one or two car lengths directly behind them. This is a big blind spot. Drowsy truckers may nod off and then instinctively hit their brakes when their eyes reopen. If you are too close, you could end up underneath the trailer.
  2. Stay Out Of A Semi Truck’s Blind Spots.
    Speaking of blind spots, avoid the sides of a truck to the extent possible. Here’s a thorough discussion of the “no zones.” These areas are generally considered to be blind spots where even the best, most well-equipped truck driver cannot see you. A drunk, fatigued or careless trucker may not even try to look for a small vehicle just to the right side.
  3. Never Try To Pass A Semi Truck On The Right.
    Truck drivers cannot see your vehicle when you are on the immediate right side of their truck. If you try to turn right or pass on the right, you are in a dangerous place. Many serious truck accidents happen when drivers turn their large trucks to the right, driving right over top of cars they don’t see.

To make matters worse, many truck drivers are exhausted, working long hours away from their families, and they may be highly irritable. Trucks can be loaded beyond capacity, making it very hard to stop. Trucks may be hauling chemicals that are not properly disclosed or listed on placards. Drivers may be falsifying logbooks to drive past their safe operating hours, or truckers may be violating numerous state and federal regulations by talking on the phone or texting while driving.

Don’t take any chances. Drive cautiously, slow down, give them space and arrive alive.

For Your Semi Truck Wreck, Contact Tate Law Offices, P.C.

Driving around semi-trucks doesn’t have to be scary or unnerving, but it does require a few precautions. If you’ve been injured by a negligent truck driver, call Tate Law Offices, P.C., today to speak with a dedicated truck accident lawyer about your injuries. We don’t charge an attorney fee unless we can collect compensation for your injuries, and our consultation is free. So contact us today.


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